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About Firmocret:

Firmocret serves as an alternative concrete with recycled properties.

Firmocret/Initiative Logo

High Durability and Tensility

Cheap Production Cost

Zero-Waste Properties

Lower Toxicity and Higher Safety

Teaching More about the Earthquakes!

Firmocret forms communities and ensures viability via its perfected awareness acquisition.

Visiting Schools

Giving Conferences to the Primary School Students, primarily in Diyarbakir

Our Own Youtube Series!

We have our own Youtube series as well! If you want to learn more, you can visit our Youtube channel.

Follow Our Youtube Channel!

Help us reach out to students and communities in need.

Production Process

Here, you can learn more about Firmocret in general, from our accomplishments to our goals. 


In this part, you can learn more about the steps we took in general to spread awareness in our region.

Currently used concrete sample.

In this part, production details and innovative utilizations of Firmocret is emphasized.

Successful Outreach Development

Want to learn more about our work? Well, you can here!

Our Benefits

Enable Accessibility for Earthquake Victims

With our new app, we help communities

 suffering from earthquakes and similar natural disasters.

Environment Protection

We care about our nature, and we take the full pride for defending it to the maximum. We utilize waste plastic in our region as a component.


Learn more in "Our Accomplishments" section!

Cheap Price

Being pretty cheap, Firmocret ensures financial feasibility on the market and easens the regional implementation process.

Earthquake Tracking System


To alert global innovators and natrual disaster fighters, we created an earthquake segment for our website: "Bound to Earth."


You can check and learn more about the most recent earthquakes there!

Want to help us? You can contribute to our work via subscribing to our Youtube Channel and donating to the NGOs with similar goals!
Firmocret/Initiative Logo

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